Kami ucapkan Terima Kasih dan Selamat datang di kampung halaman kami, Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Bagi anda yang baru pertama kali ke karimun jawa jangan kaget karena anda akan di sambut dengan semua keindahan dari Alam. Jernihnya air laut di sekitar pelabuhan, pasir halus nan putih, luasnya langit, tarian air laut, hijaunya perbukitan serta ramahnya penduduk Karimunjawa. *lihat juga gallery foto wisatawan yang sudah gabung bersama kami. Pelayanan terbaik sejak 2008, dipimpin oleh seorang yang lahir dan besar di pulau Karimunjawa, Jambrong dikenal sebagai seorang yang ramah, jujur dan bertanggung jawab. Cari paket wisata ke Pulau Karimun Jawa tapi bingung pilih biro bisata yang terpercaya? dengan bangga kami perkenalkan Ransel Karimun Jawa Tour - The Best Travel Guide to karimunjawa. Mulai tahun 2015, RanselKarimunjawa.co.id yang menjadi Official web resmi Ransel Karimunjawa kedepannya.

Menjangan Kecil Island snorkeling spot Karimun Java

Menjangan Kecil Island is one of the camping and snorkeling spot is quite popular in Karimunjawa. Spot snorkling in the form of many small fish and also coral reefs, located quite far from the shoreline to a depth of about 2 to 5 feet.
more info visit: http://www.paketliburankarimunjawa.com/

Small Menjangan has the area about 46 acres and is owned by PT. Awani Dream / Mr Willy. The island is located about 15 minutes to the south of the island's most visited Publications by people who arrived to just rest and lunch.
Pulau menjangan Kecil karimunjawa
menjangan kecil islans

Burn your own fish over a campfire made with makeshift tree branches provide sensation and pleasure apart while eating it .. White sandy beaches with state land neatly enough as it is used for lodging the form of the bungalow. Calm waters with clear water and warm tropical sea specialties.

Coral reefs that take hundreds of years to grow that is in the sea floor is quite broad and equitable. Indonesia is a country with a total area of ??coral reefs about 51,000 sq km or 18% of all coral reefs in the world (The Nature Conservancy). One of the wealth of coral reefs that you can enjoy here.

Menjangan Kecil Island has a fringing reef (fringing reef) better than Menjangan Besar. Many tourists who hire glass bottom boat (boat essentially from glass) to enjoy the marine park there.

Around Menjangan Small and Large Menjangan there Indono Panama wreck which sank in 1955. Today, the ruins of the ship that has been turned into fish habitat is often used as a dive (wreck diving). Among the rocky cliffs that dominate the Acropora sp, you can see the black snapper, grouper, clams and black mussels. Type these shells once was popular as one of the typical food Karimunjawa population, but now its existence is protected by the government.

Coral reefs found there is a kind of Montipora Foliosa shaped leaves look as blooming with white, yellow, to golden among staghorn coral. Several large rocks towering red heart and is used as a place to stand or rest when fatigue began to be felt on the sidelines of snorkeling.

Although Small Menjangan resort is equipped with the rent, but some parts of the island still appeared relatively natural with only palm trees towering. Several spots in this island is a camping area that is ready to be a place for those who want to momentarily disappear from civilization.
creditimage: YogYES - See more at:

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